
About Nature-Based Counseling

There is a strong body of research suggesting that contact with nature increases mental health and psychological and spiritual development. Benefits include stress reduction, improved self-confidence and self-discipline, and an increased sense of community and belonging. By observing natural environments, individuals can cultivate positive attitudes, renewed attention, and increased mindfulness and sensory awareness. Nature can provide an appreciation of something larger than ourselves and a greater sense that the world is alive and meaningful. In addition, the physical activity associated with being in nature can decrease stress, anxiety, and depression and increase physical and psychological wellbeing.

The beauty and strength of mother nature is something that can inspire and embolden the spirit. In my work nature plays a vital role in healing. I offer nature-based sessions that break the traditional office counseling mold. Whether you’d like to sit on a park bench and have a discussion, or take a walk through the woods in peaceful silence, you can discover the powerful healing effects of the great outdoors. The benefits include:

Reduced stress
Decreased anxiety
Improved self-confidence and mindfulness
Increased sense of community and belonging

2660 Townsgate Road
Westlake Village, CA 91361

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